It’s Chili Cook-Off Time Again-Friday, November 2

Seven years ago a tradition began at CSBI and we refuse to let it die!  We’re thinking up some changes and moving the event outdoors, but the fact remains that we’ll have some amazing chili to sample and a chili lunch will cost $5.00.  This event showcases CSBI Agencies and we invite other non-profits from around town to participate.  What’s more we have a category for individual entries and we’d love for members of the community to join us!  This is CSBI’s only fundraiser of the year and includes a Silent Auction.  Plus, this year we’ll have music and more fun than ever.  Mark your calendar now and plan to join us!

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Special People.
Special Place.

The thing that makes CSBI such a special place is the people who come through the doors every day. It is an extremely diverse age, gender and ethnicity but in every circumstance they are here to help others or help themselves in one way or another. Recent evaluation of CSBI and our place in the community has led to the conclusion that we are more than just a building. We are a special group of people that offer a variety of services to the families of Norman and Cleveland County. When you put a stethoscope against our walls, you will hear a heartbeat.
Contact Us
Kelly Watson, Executive Director
(405) 701-2009