New Agencies Arrive At CSBI

Several agencies have come in to the Community Services Building over the past year and we are pleased to welcome them.  Last March, Envision Success opened their doors and have successfully developed programs that are helpful to veterans and others who are struggling to achieve success.  In the fall, ABLE moved their vocational and employment programs to CSBI and are looking to expand even further in the coming months.  In November, RSVP returned to CSBI under new oversight and have quickly introduced volunteer opportunities for senior adults.  Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) also opened in November and have already moved to larger offices.  They provide services for homeless veterans.  We’re excited that the Community Services Building continues to provide a home to those who are helping those less fortunate.  There is still some space available.  If you are aware of a non-profit agency who needs a home with low-cost services and highly supportive management, CSBI is here to meet the needs of the non-profit agencies in our community.

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Special People.
Special Place.

The thing that makes CSBI such a special place is the people who come through the doors every day. It is an extremely diverse age, gender and ethnicity but in every circumstance they are here to help others or help themselves in one way or another. Recent evaluation of CSBI and our place in the community has led to the conclusion that we are more than just a building. We are a special group of people that offer a variety of services to the families of Norman and Cleveland County. When you put a stethoscope against our walls, you will hear a heartbeat.
Contact Us
Kelly Watson, Executive Director
(405) 701-2009