Welcome to our new website!

Hello, and welcome to our first blog post on our new website!

We’re excited to launch our new, dynamic website. We are planning to make use of our blog, updating it on a regular basis. This is where you’ll find the latest and greatest information on us.

We’re also excited that the new website T&S Web Design created for us is much easier to update on an ongoing basis. That means we’ll be able to keep our customers much more up-to-date on everything we have to offer. Not only will the blog be updated, but the rest of the site will have current information as well.

So bookmark our website or add our RSS feed. We’re looking forward to communicating more with you, our customers.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us!

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Special People.
Special Place.

The thing that makes CSBI such a special place is the people who come through the doors every day. It is an extremely diverse group...in age, gender and ethnicity but in every circumstance they are here to help others or help themselves in one way or another. Recent evaluation of CSBI and our place in the community has led to the conclusion that we are more than just a building. We are a special group of people that offer a variety of services to the families of Norman and Cleveland County. When you put a stethoscope against our walls, you will hear a heartbeat.
Contact Us
Kelly Watson, Executive Director
(405) 701-2009